We wait, starving for moments of high magic to inspire us, but life is a banquet of common enchantment...
Happiness is...
a long hot shower
looking over bridges
waking up to sunshine
hot soup on a cold day
an outing with my camera
waking up and realizing
you don't have to go into work
18 different colors
oven hot pizza
sock skating around the house
letting go of the thing that make you sad
chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven
new pillows
making paper boats and
floating them in a puddle
falling leaves
the sound of popcorn in the microwave
becoming fit
papering yourself after a depressing day
the fragrance of the first rains
chasing small children
find a face in a gnarly old potato
adding a task you already did to your 'to do'
list just for the pleasure of crossing it off
using a new razor blade and realizing
how blunt your old one must have been
airconditioning on a hot summer night
watching clouds change shape
waking up really early, peeing,
then going back to bed
watching snowfall through a window
walking barefoot on fresh grass
the first sip of a cold Coke
when you're really hot
snuggling under a blanket when it's cold
finding the remote
remembering that you still
have coffee left in your cup
getting your old password
right on the first guess
suddenly realizing your headache is gone
a morning walk
great people, good wine,
and a meal made with love
finding your missing glasses
saying exactly the same thing
at exactly the same time
a selfie with my dog
no dirty dishes in the sink
sleeping diagonally
having fun with friends who are idiots
not having to set the alarm for the next day
waking up to a fresh new day
the simple things in life
Most worries never happen
When in this world of wonders
I find in self pity I wallow
I roll my eyes and laugh aloud
Freed of such folly to follow
A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything
Gratitude turns a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
a thankful heart finds blessings like the magnet finds iron
We wait, starving for moments of high magic to inspire us, but life is a banquet of common enchantment.
The moment you start acting like life is a blessing it starts feeling like one.
cultivate a grateful heart with each sip, each bite, each breath.
When you cannot sleep count your blessings instead of sheep
talk to yourself like someone you love
Be quick to forgive, especially yourself.
Let go or be dragged
after a storm comes a calm
When you hate something, you chain yourself to it.
Positive thoughts are both the prayer and the answer to your prayer
what consumes your mind controls you life
forgiveness frees us
thankfulness enriches us
kindness betters us all
inhale blessings, exhale smiles
If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.
no longer forward nor behind
i look in hope and fear
but grateful take the good i find
the best of now and here.
worry poisons the now
we are the light in the dark
Self Talk
(first name)
Get fired up
Put your game face on
You got this
Laugh it off
You're doing great
it's showtime
100% survival rate!
be quick to forgive
after the storm is the calm
what controls your mind controls your life
Speak only positive things aloud and to yourself as if to a loved oned. Be quick to forgive especially yourself