Monday, August 28, 2017

Anti-Depression Practices: Discreet Immediate Relief

 Fast ‘Discreet’ Toolbox 

WRAP Wellness Recovery Action Plan Toolbox
(my personal favs)

Yawn n Stretch
10 times in a row
(fake yawns can trigger real ones)
(also for stage fright aka performance anxiety)

Seated Isometric Exercises
knee lifts or Leg lifts with table/lap palm press,
(sweet sweet endorphins)

12oz Water
Chug, quickly drink

Energy Drinks

Charming Smile
Hold as long as you can
(not a big fake one but your best flirty twinkle in your eye)
(If asked why just shrug or say ‘I’m in my happy place’)

Positive self-talk

Believe in yourself.  Believe in what a fantastic person you are, in your blessings, in your uniqueness, in your compassion, in your playfulness, in your charm, believe that you shine everyday, that you have incredible insight, that you make a difference in people's lives, that you are loved.  Believe in you.


What consumes your mind controls your life. The moment you start acting like life is a blessing it starts feeling like one. Let go or be dragged. Breath, inhale blessings, exhale smiles. It's a wondrous world and just laugh at such folly as worry. After the storm comes the calm. Be quick to forgive, especially yourself. Talk to yourself like someone you love. We are the light in the dark.

Guided Meditaion

deep sigh
relax your jaw and shoulders
sit up straight
your spine is a tree trunk
gently lean back against it
your seat rooted to the earth
ground yourself in this moment
easy breaths smell the air
light a pleasant smile
feel it glowing on your face
feel it twinkle in your eyes
feel it playful in your heart
feel it brighten in your breath
and use it to light your day

List Happy Places like...

cottage guest bed
running down dunes dunes
garage rain storm
wood boat with dad
christmas tree in the dark

Wellness Wheel (my personal examples)

deep breathing
connect with support
positive affirmations
guided imagery
get little things done, make the bed, do the dishes
(sense of accomplishment)
grounding techniques
walk outdoors
cheer someone up

Anti-Depression Wellness Wheel

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