List Happy Places like...
cottage guest bed
running down dunes dunes
garage rain storm
wood boat with dad
christmas tree in the dark
Fast ‘Discreet’ Toolbox
(my personal favs)
Yawn n Stretch
10 times in a row
(fake yawns can trigger real ones)
(also for stage fright aka performance anxiety)
Seated Isometric Exercises
knee lifts or Leg lifts with table/lap palm press,
(sweet sweet endorphins)
12oz Water
Chug, quickly drink
Energy Drinks
Charming Smile
Hold as long as you can
(not a big fake one but your best flirty twinkle in your eye)
(If asked why just shrug or say ‘I’m in my happy place’)
positive self-talk
Deep Breathing
Happy Place
(mine is running down a dune then along the beach)
Minimum Preventative
12oz water
Yoga Sun Salutation
We wait, starving for moments of high magic to inspire us, but life is a banquet of common enchantment...
Happiness is...
a long hot shower
looking over bridges
waking up to sunshine
hot soup on a cold day
an outing with my camera
waking up and realizing
you don't have to go into work
18 different colors
oven hot pizza
sock skating around the house
letting go of the thing that make you sad
chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven
new pillows
making paper boats and
floating them in a puddle
falling leaves
the sound of popcorn in the microwave
becoming fit
papering yourself after a depressing day
the fragrance of the first rains
chasing small children
find a face in a gnarly old potato
adding a task you already did to your 'to do'
list just for the pleasure of crossing it off
using a new razor blade and realizing
how blunt your old one must have been
airconditioning on a hot summer night
watching clouds change shape
waking up really early, peeing,
then going back to bed
watching snowfall through a window
walking barefoot on fresh grass
the first sip of a cold Coke
when you're really hot
snuggling under a blanket when it's cold
finding the remote
remembering that you still
have coffee left in your cup
getting your old password
right on the first guess
suddenly realizing your headache is gone
a morning walk
great people, good wine,
and a meal made with love
finding your missing glasses
saying exactly the same thing
at exactly the same time
a selfie with my dog
no dirty dishes in the sink
sleeping diagonally
having fun with friends who are idiots
not having to set the alarm for the next day
waking up to a fresh new day
the simple things in life
Most worries never happen so when you're blue shake your head, roll your eyes, and laugh for being such a goof.
A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything
Gratitude turns a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
a thankful heart finds blessings like the magnet finds iron
We wait, starving for moments of high magic to inspire us, but life is a banquet of common enchantment.
The moment you start acting like life is a blessing it starts feeling like one.
cultivate a grateful heart with each sip, each bite, each breath.
When you cannot sleep count your blessings instead of sheep
talk to yourself like someone you love
Be quick to forgive, especially yourself.
Let go or be dragged
after a storm comes a calm
When you hate something, you chain yourself to it.
Positive thoughts are both the prayer and the answer to your prayer
what consumes your mind controls you life
forgiveness frees us
thankfulness enriches us
kindness betters us all
inhale blessings, exhale smiles
If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.
no longer forward nor behind
i look in hope and fear
but grateful take the good i find
the best of now and here.
worry poisons the now
we are the light in the dark
Anaerobic Strength training exercise; Seated isometric resistance exercises
Discrete and raises metabolism, static position muscle contractions like leg lift holds or planks (although planks are not so discrete)
Aerobic aka cardio exercise like walking/running, jumping jacks, aerobic dance, circuit training, (high paced back to back calisthenics)
Anaerobic Strength training exercise; weights and Calisthenics
deep breathing
connect with support
positive affirmations
guided imagery
get little things done
(sense of accomplishment)
grounding techniques
walk outdoors
Emergency Strategies For Depression
Long term strategies like regular exercise, good diet, hobbies, socializing etc are effective for reducing many types of depression but depression also saps ambition so there may be lapses in the regiment but even if everything is fine if you’re prone to depression you can still suffer an acute attack of it. In which case there are some steps that do provide quick reduction of symptoms. Again since depression saps ambition it can sometimes be hard to do even these simple measures but tell yourself it’s be quick and will help take the edge off.
Waking Up Attack
From in bed...
5 minutes of full body extending 'good morning' stretches
10 yawns; faking yawns also triggers yawns. Also good for performance anxiety
Gratitude List; Visualize what you are grateful for and thank each one.
Encouraging Self Talk; Think to yourself what you would say to cheer someone up, ‘talk to yourself like you would to someone you love’.
A good cry
1 Minute Positive Mental Rehearsal; Visualize enjoying your morning routine, hot shower, coffee, breakfast, etc.
1 Minute Self Guided Imagery; Happy place walk, beach, meadow, woods, (feel the wind, hear the birds, see the sun).
1 Minute Positive Suggestion; Self hypnosis planting positive suggestions
1 Minute Meditation; mindfulness relaxation and focus on breathing
*My preferred variation is a short positive suggestion then meditation
Morning Attack
5 Minute Stretches; Yoga Sun Salutation
10 Minute Workout; I Minute each of jumping jack, sit-ups, pushups, run in place, plank, L plank, R plank (30 second break between each)
1 Minute Workout; Pick one from 10 Minute Workout
Big glass of water
Meal savor
Coffee savor
Pandora standup comedy
A Walk clear your mind enjoy our surrondings
Call or text directly some who cheers you up
Afternoon/work Attack
energy shot
1 minute workout
Discrete Exercises You Can Do Sitting in a Chair
glute clenches, stomach vaccum, knee lifts, leg flexion, foot rock, and arm press.
A good movie
Funniest Home Videos
Pandora standup comedy
ground yourself in this moment
your seat rooted to the earth
light your most charming grin
feel it glowing on your face
feel it twinkle in your eyes
feel it playful in your heart
feel it brighten in your breath
use it to light your day
Safe Housing
Regular Medical Care
Eat Healthy
Be Sexual
Get Enough Sleep
Take Vacations
Take Time Off
Bubble baths
Ask For Nurture
Take A Walk
Turn Off Cell
Get 'Me' Time
Sensory Engagement
Go To Symphony Or Ballet
Relax In The Sun
Read A Self-Help Book
Join A Support Group
Think About Your Positive Qualities
Practice Asking And Receiving Help
Social Justice Engagement
Say "I Love You"
Watch A Funny Movie
Find A Hobby
Buy Yourself A Present
Cuddle With Your Pet
Tell Yourself "You're Gorgeous!"
Practice Forgiveness
Go Into Nature
Find Spiritual Community
Be Inspired
Take Yoga
Play With Children
Bathe In The Ocean
Watch Sunsets
Find Spiritual Mentor
Volunteer For A Cause
Foster Self-Forgiveness
Learn Who You Are
Figure Out What You Want In Life
Plan Short And Long-Term Goals
Make A Vision Board
Foster Friendships
Go On Dates
Get Coffee With A Friend
Get Out Of Debt
Just Relax
Write A Poem Or A Book
Spend Time With Your Family
Cook Out
Learn To Play Guitar
Take Time For lunch
Set Boundaries
Do Not Work Overtime
Leave Work At Work
Do Not Work During Your Time Off
Get Regular Supervision
Get Support Of Colleagues
Take Mental Health Days
Learn To Say NO
Plan Your Next Career Move
Take A Class
Take All Vacation And Sick Days
Practice Positive Self-talk
Positive self-talk is a great way to relieve stress, increase your self-esteem, and gradually strengthen your mind. It will train your brain to think positively, which will be the source of your future attitude. Not sure where to start? Try these:
I’m awesome because __________.
I’m proud of myself because __________.
Even though _______ didn’t work out, I am moving forward.
One of my strengths is _________.
I am thankful for __________.
I can do it because _____________.
I look up to my role model, _________.
I am a role model to __________.
I believe in my abilities to ________.
I will triumph and ___________.
I rock more than Elvis Presley in the Grand Canyon.
believe in yourself. Believe in what
a fantastic person you are, in your
blessings, in your uniqueness, in your
compassion, in your playfulness, believe
that you shine everyday, that you have
incredible insight, that you make a
difference in people's lives, that you are
loved. Believe in yourself.
believe in your talents
believe in what a fantastic person you are
believe in your blessings
believe in your uniqueness
believe in your compassion
believe that you rock
believe you make a difference
believe you're awsome
believe that you shine everyday
believe you have incredible insight
believe in your playfulness
You’re talented.
You have great dreams.
You’re intelligent.
You’re interesting.
You have great ideas.
You’re fun.
You’re smart.
You’re beautiful.
You’re creative.
You’re fantastic.
You’re artistic.
You’re one of a kind.
You’re delightful.
You’re kind.
You’re unique.
You’re compassionate.
You’re incredible.
There’s no one else like you.
You’re thoughtful.
You are excellent.
You’re the best.
You rock.
You make a difference.
You matter to me.
You’re radiant.
You shine everyday.
You’re amazing.
You’re awesome.
You have incredible insight.
You’re so hopeful.
You love your friends well.
You’re tremendous.
You’re so fun-loving.
You’re nice to others.
You’re outstanding.
You’re so refreshing.
You put others first.
You’re marvelous.
You make gray skies disappear.
You’re doing great things.
I am extraordinary
I am open
I am dazzling
I am cozy
I am fulfilled
I am pure
I am peaceful
I am divine
I am thriving
I am cool
I am courageous
I am nourished
I am precious
I am enlivended
I am trusting
I am bright
I am bright-eyed
I am grateful
I am great
I am refreshed
I am peachy
I am youthful
I am blessed
I am sweet
I am loved
I am inspired
I am whole
I am energized
I am grace
I am grounded
I am healthy
I am transparent
I am complete
I am adventurous
I am transformed
I am innocent
I am elated
I am warm hearted
I am worthy
I am renewed
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